High Achiever?





Because you deserve the feedback, #encouragement, #challenge and #rest. The World needs the dream inside of you!
— Coach Shannon

Coach Shannon - Taking High Achieving Women HIGHER with the Spirit and Community

My Clients are mostly:

  • lacking feedback

  • overwhelmed

  • feeling dissastified

  • confused

  • hungry for more

  • needing purpose

What my clients from the past 5 years have said:

I found the Spiritual Support to be the aspect I appreciated the most.
I think the timing was right to meet with Shannon because I was starting to think about what my passion was (and was not). But I didn’t really know what to do beyond that.
— Julie
I would highly recommend Shannon as a personal coach for several reasons:
1. She is an excellent listener and very compassionate!
2. She does NOT give advice as a therapist or counselor would. She asks thought provoking questions.
3. She is honest and transparent which I truly appreciate.
I have experienced a lot of aha moments in our coaching sessions. Also, having an accountability friend and just someone who can see you from the side and encourage. Thank you Shannon for EVERYTHING you do.
— Kaili
I would recommend it to others who would like to get really more in touch with themselves and with God. Having professional coach who also loves God is a wonderful combination as there is divine knowledge involved.
— M.H.

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